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3 Habits to Help Create Your Best Year Ever

Our friend Jon Gordon has shared another great article that we think is perfect to kick off 2015! You can always read more from Jon at

Create a B.F.G.

Big Fun Goal. A BFG could be anything you want to experience or accomplish in 2015. It should be a BIG goal because it’s important to dream and think big. And it should also be FUN in that you have fun going after it and enjoy the process of trying to make it happen. I have found that we too often get so serious about our goals that we don’t have fun pursuing them. But this year can be different. Whether your BFG is to get a promotion, climb Mount Everest, write a book, visit Europe, move to America, learn to play the guitar, start a new business, win a championship, go on a mission trip to Haiti, start a charity, win a big account, learn to paint with water colors, or something else, you can have FUN while you make your BIG goal come alive! So over the next few weeks think about the possibilities for your BFG. Ask your team (work team and family team) to do the same.

One Word

Choose One Word

Instead of creating a New Year’s resolution that 87 percent of adults fail to keep, choose one word to be your inspiration and focus for the year. I have been doing this for the past four years with my family and clients and it’s one of the most significant activities I have ever done. Once you choose a word, or it chooses you, make a painting or visit to make a poster and put it somewhere as a reminder to live your word for the year. You can watch my segment on The Today Show last year for more ideas and to understand how it works or read One Word that will Change Your Life for tons of ideas on how schools, businesses and sports teams have benefited from this habit. My words (Purpose, Surrender, Serve, Pray) have shaped me in many ways the past 4 years and I’m excited about my word for 2015: RISE. What will your one word be in 2015?

Do This One Thing

I’ve been doing it for 11 years and it’s changed my life. Each day I take a walk of gratitude I call a “Thank you walk”. While walking I practice gratitude and pray. The research shows you can’t be stressed and thankful at the same time. So when I’m feeling blessed I’m not stressed. Each walk also fills my body and brain with positive emotions and endorphins that uplift me rather than the stress hormones that drain and slowly kill me. By the end of my walk I have created a fertile mind that appreciates what I have and is ready for great things to happen. If you do this walk just one day you won’t experience a huge benefit. But if you do it daily you’ll notice incredible benefits and major life change. Think of your mind as a garden. One day of weeding and feeding the garden doesn’t make a huge difference. But if you weed and feed each day, each week, each year the garden of your mind will become magnificent.


Read & React 5-Player Coordination Drills

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Become a More Confident Shooter

From our friends at PGC Basketball — PGC’s Shooting Specialist shares 3 FREE video trainings for scoring more points & getting more playing time!  Enter your email to get started.



about rick torbett

Rick Torbett has taught thousands of coaches to win more games through his innovative approach to the game. He has created powerful training for coaches at any level so they can coach their best and win more games.

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Read & React 5-Player Coordination Drills

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