The following clip is another excerpt from our 5 DVD set, Read & React Clinics: Planning the R&R Practice. If you’ve ever had questions about implementing the Read & React in a practice setting, it’s a great resource.
In the video below, Rick Torbett sets up a simple Alternating Current Drill with two finishing options.
This drill is all about using Read & React habits to create teaching opportunities (something that you can do with just about any drill and any habit).
Here’s a list of things you could be training throughout the basketball season using just this drill:
• How Alternating Current creates screening opportunities.
• How to set back screens properly.
• How to use staggered screens – fade, roll, curl, etc.
• How to set a post screen and shape up.
• How to shoot off a curled route.
• How/when to feed the post.
• Any back-to-the-basket post moves.
And, really, that list can continue for a long time depending on the skill level of your team and what skills they need to focus on. Sure, in it’s simplest form, we’re teaching players the Staggered Screens portion of the offense, but while in that drill, don’t waste opportunities to collapse time frames.