Long-time NBA and USA Basketball Assistant to Chuck Daly, Brendan shares seven fundamental philosophies that must be considered at the collegiate and high school level. Below are three components from his impactful lecture:
- Text players, text your stars, bring them in 1-on-1 and meet with them. Let them know you care for them!
- As the season progresses, practices should become shorter
- Check wanted players to have the freshest legs on the court
- Meetings can screw a team up
- Doc Rivers watches 13 clips of plays on film
- Also sends personal edits to players to have them watch on their own
- Do not embarrass players in front of their peers
- There are 2800 meetings a year in the NBA = Timeouts, Quarters, Half-Time, Post-Game
- Communicate effectively and efficiently- Talk in Sound Bytes and Headlines
- Don’t make a mistake post-game!