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Dynamic Defense Level 0: Speed, Agility, & Quickness

At its core Dynamic Defense is a framework (and grading system) designed to push players to higher levels of defensive achievement. By moving across the four levels a player and her team will progress through guarding the basketball 1-on-1, helping effectively from any location, defending situations, and mastering high level rotation and recovery techniques. But, in order for a player to be successful in those four levels, she must first acquire a solid foundation of movement – we call that Level 0.

Defense may be the most athletically taxing part of basketball, especially when it comes to movement. A player must move in every plane in every direction, accelerating and decelerating – all in reaction to an offensive player. That’s why getting Athletic Mechanics correct is key. With that in mind, Level 0 covers what we consider the prerequisite of high level defense: effective movement mechanics.

The above video is an excerpt from our newest project, Dynamic Defense. Check it out here. Level 0 is split between two certified instructors in SAQ: Dustin Ducham and Spencer Wood. They lay out 40 drills to take defensive movement and overall athleticism to another level.


Read & React 5-Player Coordination Drills

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about rick torbett

Rick Torbett has taught thousands of coaches to win more games through his innovative approach to the game. He has created powerful training for coaches at any level so they can coach their best and win more games.

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Read & React 5-Player Coordination Drills

Enter your email address to get an inside look at teaching the Read & React Offense with the drills in this free video.