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2 Line Read Line Drill: Expanded

A couple of days ago I posted a two line drill for training the Read Line. As I was diagramming it, I couldn’t help but think of all the possibilities that drill had to offer – you could change its formation from 4 OUT to 5 OUT, you could use all of the spots instead of just 3, you could… well, I stopped with just those two, but you could tweak it even more if you want.

So, here’s an expanded version of that original 2 Line Read Line Drill. Let me know your thoughts in the Comments.

Expanded Read Line Drill Frame 1

Start with all spots filled except the point.
Put the ball on a wing, and a defender on the opposite wing.
5 must fill the empty spot.

Expanded Read Line Drill Frame 2

Option 1: If x7 steps over the Read Line, 5 basket cuts and gets the pass for the lay-up.

Expanded Read Line Drill Frame 3

5 gets the rebound, passes to the wing she didn’t get the lay-up pass from, and defends the original passer. This way, the ball alternates sides of the floor with every basket.
x7 rotates to the back of the shortest line.

Expanded Read Line Drill Frame 4

This is a look at the new alignment after the rotation.

Expanded Read Line Drill Frame 5

Option 2: If 5 fills and x7 does not step over the read line, then 1 passes to 5.
1 must basket cut (she doesn’t get the return pass) and fills out to the back of the shortest line.

Expanded Read Line Drill Frame 6

5 passes opposite to 6 and cuts.
6 passes to 5 for the lay-up.

Expanded Read Line Drill Frame 7

5 rebounds her shot and passes to the wing she didn’t get the lay-up pass from.
5 becomes defender x5 on the opposite wing.
x7 rotates to the back of the shortest line.

Expanded Read Line Drill Frame 8

And, again, a look at the new alignment – this rotation just continues for the length of the drill.

The above diagrams were powered by FastDraw.


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Rick Torbett has taught thousands of coaches to win more games through his innovative approach to the game. He has created powerful training for coaches at any level so they can coach their best and win more games.

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