I recently came across a story that I think applies to the Read & React (and perhaps basketball coaching in general). It's the story about an Indian Fish shop (actually, you can find it in a variety of cultures) and you can read the original...
As some of you may have known (and hopefully participated in), PGC Basketball held its first Coaching Clinic Telephone Call last Sunday night with Rick as their guest clinician. And, they were kind enough to give us a copy of the audio file from that...
If you've run the Read & React for long or if you've been following the Read & React at all, you know that we suggest the R&R as an alternative to set plays. (Actually, we suggest it as an alternative to anything, but plays are...
On March 1st of 2010, we started this Tribe project for all of those coaches running the Read & React. It was designed to provide you with ongoing tips, resources, and community to help you constantly improve as a Read & React coach. But, of course,...