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25 Team Shooting Drills

Better Basketball first gained its notoriety with Rick Torbett’s player development series which cultivates the fundamental skills of basketball. 

In this Course...

Rick Torbett gives you 25 Team Shooting Drills that have been designed to maximize your practice time and improve shooting in real-game situations.

The drills can be adjusted for the number of baskets, the number of players, and the time you have available in practice.

Drills are broken down into 5 categories:
Shooting Off Screens | Pure Shooting | Reads & Reactions | 3-Player, 2-Ball Drills | Communication Drills

Expand your toolkit even further

You just got a bunch of drills and you’ll get a ton (what?) out of it. But we know the game isn’t just about drills…

But you need your players performing at their best, making smart reads and plays come game time. After all that’s how you put more points on the board and grab more W’s.

Here’s how…

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