Many of our drills are designed to work the habit of Circle Movement even if we haven't yet taught Circle Movement in Layer 4. We do it in
Full Court Trips during Trip 3 (Reverse Dribble), and our '
Circle Movement Shooting Drill' is another that does the same, which allows us to install it on Day 1.
We normally run this for 10 minutes with half of the team on each end of the court, starting on the right side. We go 1:30 shot fake and drive, 1:30 shot fake-escape dribble jumper, and 2:00 catch and shoot. Then we switch ENDS (they are now all on the left side of court) and work back down. 2:00 catch and shoot, 1:30 shot fake-escape dribble jumper, 1:30 shot fake and drive.
We use this drill to collapse time frames by emphasizing ball fakes before the pass, jump stop finishes, great closeouts, making great shot fakes, calling names out on passes, and covering ground with our dribble. All while training the habit of Circle Movement!
We choose 2 different spots to start from each day to change the spots we shoot from as well as the passing and driving angles, but the drill stays the same.
2 things to watch: