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Dynamic Defense Level 3: the Post Feed Situation

To understand Level 3 in the Dynamic Defense, you must first understand Situations.

So, what’s a Situation?

Put simply: a situation is an offensive action that demands a switch or a double-team in order to stop the ball. That means if help and recover techniques (Level 2) are not enough to stop an offensive attack, that attack has just been escalated to a situation and now requires a Level 3 defender.

A Level 3 defender can recognize situations and either switch or double-team to stop the action.

Well, as you can imagine, it would be difficult to list every Situation so instead I’ve focused the lens on a typical action that creates a Situation for many teams: Feeding the Post.

The video below is an excerpt from Dynamic Defense, our newly released DVD series on taking your defense to the next level… literally.

Now, feeding the post doesn’t always create a situation. If the post player can be defended one-on-one, then there’s no Level 3 Situation. But, oftentimes that offensive post player demands the attention of a double-team.

If you have committed to double-teaming the post, you have three options for when to send that additional defender.

  • You could double-team on the pass.
  • You could double-team on the catch.
  • You could double-team on the move.

You also have three options where that additional defender can come from.

  • Ballside Guard
  • Weakside Guard
  • Lowest Weakside Defender

The advantages and disadvantages to these post doubling options are mostly dependent on the type of offensive post player you are up against, but it also might have something to do with which defender you’re sending to double-team. Hint, this is another reason why the grading system of Dynamic Defense is helpful.

You don’t want to double-team with a player who is not a good Level 3 defender!
It simply won’t work out in your favor.

For argument’s sake, though, let’s say your whole team is made up of Level 3 defenders, which of the options do you prefer for your own team? When do you send that double-team? From what area have you found is most effective? Let us know in the comments.


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Rick Torbett has taught thousands of coaches to win more games through his innovative approach to the game. He has created powerful training for coaches at any level so they can coach their best and win more games.

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