There’s a lot of great stuff going on in the forums… too much really to leave it alone, just sitting there. So, I’ve decided to post a forum inspired post every day for the next 5 days (there’s plenty more good stuff than that, but I thought I’d start there). Today is day 1, inspired by this forum thread and VMI04, MJL23, Blue, Rick, and TJ.
So, when you’re putting in the Read & React for the first time, how do you promote buy in from your players?
Well, in developing a strategy, the first question you need to ask yourself is what sold you on the system? There was obviously a reason that you ordered the DVDs, watched the footage, and decided that this would be your offense. Can you tweak the benefits that sold you into language that your players will respond to?
Try asking your team several questions. Use their answers to these questions as justification for choosing the Read & React. And, yes, these are leading questions. Kind of like, would you rather have an ice cream cone or stick your hand in a bear trap? Oh, an ice cream cone? Then, let’s run the Read & React.
- Do you want to learn how to become a player or do you prefer being a robot?
- Are you happy with the number of touches you get each game or do you want more?
- Would you rather practice with an emphasis on playing the game or with an emphasis on drilling plays?
- Do you think it’s more fun to play in a jazz band or an orchestra?
- Would you like a chance to be part of every action, or stand and watch as your teammates do something?
- Do you want more opportunities to attack the basket?
- Would you rather run an offense that is innovative, flexible, fun, and gives you freedom or would you rather do what you’ve been doing?
Or, approach the leaders of your team, show them the offense and what it can do. Maybe teach them a bit of it on paper, show them game footage, show them some of the video (you can see seven min of layer 1 here like bshutter suggested below), show them where the scoring opportunities are going to come from. Tell them that this is a system gaining momentum every day and your team is the first in the league to get on board. Tell them they have a chance to be part of a movement to change the way the game is played. (Ok, I’ll calm down, now.) Get them excited about it, then they can spread that excitement.
But, ultimately, it’s your passion and enthusiasm for the system that will lead the way. Know why you are running it, stick to your guns, be creative in practice, and your team will quickly follow your lead.
How have you sold the Read & React to your team? Let us know what worked for you in the comments section. Or, simply add to the list of questions.
And, those who frequent the forum, know of any threads that would make a good post, place the link and topic in the comments and I’ll make it happen.