6 Secrets to Free Throw Shooting Success
by Rick Torbett
Shooting Mechanics. Develop a ONE-PIECE Free Throw shooting motion. When you pull the trigger, everything goes up and out – no pauses, no detours, no negative motion.
- Alignment. Most players line up their strong foot with the center of the goal. This is a mistake. Instead, line up your SHOT LINE – the path that your ball your takes from beginning to release. That’s usually the width of your foot on the inside of your strong foot.
- After-the-Whistle Attitude. This is the beginning of a planned and practiced mental exercise that begins with thoughts that open your doors of confidence and composure, culminating with the release of your Free Throw. Often these are drawn from past successes at the Free Throw line.
- Find the Groove. Beat the ball to the Free Throw line and shoot some imaginary “practice” Free Throws. See the imaginary ball go in several times until you can remember and “feel the groove” of a made Free Throw.
- Pre-Shot Ritual. This is closely tied to your “After-the-Whistle Attitude”. In addition to being physical reminders, a consistent, never changing Pre-Shot Ritual will give you a RHYTHM – the same rhythm that good shots have during running time: Once the ball is given to you, Sight the Rim (first time), Knee Bend, Two Bounces, Inhale/Exhale, Sight the Rim (second time), Pull the Trigger in one smooth motion.
- Finish. Hold your follow-through until the ball goes through the rim. More specifically, hold both arms extended with the goal framed between your forearms/wrists. Your shooting fingers should be above the goal pointing down the center line of the goal.
Better Free Throws
How well did you shoot free throws this season? Did you fall short of 80%? If you were above 80%, could you have been at 90%?
Here is a free chapter from Better Free Throws explaining the ‘Ingredients for Success’ at the Free Throw Line.
Extravaganza Special: 25% OFF Better Free Throws
Successful Free Throw shooting relies just as much on mental preparation as mechanical preparation. Better Free Throws covers all aspects of the Free Throw progression from the moment you get fouled until the ball splashes through the net.
The ritual defines a great Free Throw. Rick Torbett details exactly how to construct a perfect ritual so that you can step up to the line with confidence every time.
This video gives you all the information you need, but to see that information translate into success in a live game requires practice and dedication. Chapters 11 and 12 give you 8 drills to integrate into your practice sessions, but you have to supply the time and sweat.
We conclude with a complete section with Hall of Famer Rick Barry, who shot 90% from the line throughout his NBA career.
For DVD and DVD+VoD, use code MM90FT25. For VoD, the price has been lowered for you already. (Offer expires when March does!)
Does Pre-Game Trash Talk Serve a Purpose in Basketball?
In Episode #36 of the Hardwood Hustle Basketball Podcast, Alan Stein (Stronger Team) and Adam Bradley (Ball Hogs Radio) have one of their infamous heated debates on whether players should ‘talk trash’ before a game. Adam contends it is necessary for some players to play their best where Alan feels your game should do the talking.
Full Time-Out with Rick Torbett
This Full-Time-Out is the video version of the audio played at the end of the Hardwood Hustle Podcast: Does Pre-Game Trash Talk Serve a Purpose in Basketball above. Listen for a new Full Time-Out at the end of each episode of the Hardwood Hustle!
Your Free Throws Are Driving Me Crazy!
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