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Dribble At Fill

A couple of weeks ago, Uie saw something he hadn’t seen his team do before – they didn’t practice it, they didn’t plan it, it just… happened. It’s what we call a Dribble At Fill and when done in a game, it is extremely difficult to guard. It looks pretty too (which is a bonus).

The concept is fairly simple:

Dribble At Fill Diagram Frame 1

The Dribble At Fill can occur in any situation where the ball and a player are surrounding a recently vacated spot. In the diagram, the set up is achieved simply by 1 passing to the wing and cutting.

Dribble At Fill Diagram Frame 2

Now, based on the rules of Pass & Cut, 3 must fill the open spot. But, what if 2 decides to dribble fill that spot? 3 must recognize that action as a Dribble At and even though she hasn’t finished her fill, she must cut to the basket.

In the video below, the Connecticut Spirit girls get a Dribble At Fill at the 2:40 mark. The result is an easy rear cut lay-up.

For the girls, it happened organically, but you could easily use this as a Quick Hitter to get the offense going.


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Rick Torbett has taught thousands of coaches to win more games through his innovative approach to the game. He has created powerful training for coaches at any level so they can coach their best and win more games.

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Read & React 5-Player Coordination Drills

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