The post principle that was talked about in the post called “Real Estate with Players in the Post” and is part of Read & React Layer 6: Post Screens states you must have a good reason to change sides of the lane. One of those reasons would be an invitation screen from a cutting teammate. The last post also talked about players in the post setting screens for cutting teammates and setting “Pin Screens” for players on the perimeter. With the “Invitation Screen”, the role has reversed and it is the cutter that is setting a screen for a teammate that is in the post on the weak-side. The reason it is called an Invitation screen is because the cutter is inviting his or her teammate to use the screen and come to the ball-side of the lane. After setting an Invitation screen the player can choose to fill out to an open perimeter spot, back screen his or her way out, set or receive a “Pin Screen”, or simply stay inside. An “Invitation Screen” provides many scoring opportunities for both the player receiving and setting the screen.
You can find an explanation of the “Invitation Screen” and the multiple scoring opportunities in the VOD (Video on Demand) library: “Read and React Layer 7: Cutter Screens – Action C: Screens on the Post“.
If you are interested in any of the drills or diagrams that I have included in any of my posts, contact me and I will send them via Fast Draw Share or on .PDF.
[author ]Loren Tillman has been coaching for over 15 years at all levels of basketball. Coach Tillman started running the Read and React 8 years ago with a 4th-grade boys AAU team. He has installed it with great success as a Girls High School Head Coach and for the last three years as a Boys High School Head Coach in the Seattle, WA area. Coach Tillman is also involved with PGC Basketball, most recently as a basket instructor for their summer courses.
Loren Tillman