By just implementing a couple of the Read & React layers, a team can have a functional offense. In fact, the Iowa University women only used 8 layers of the offense. And, they were the 2010 BigTen Runner Up. (You can see an interview with assistant coach Jenny Fitzgerald here.)
In the clips below you’ll see how the Read & React Offense using mainly Layer 1: Pass & Cut puts the defense on its heels. And, once you’re finished with these clips, check out more game footage at our Read & React video page.
Clip 1: This is a great Combo clip in a 4out formation. The Layers that you’ll see are Feed the Post with a Laker Cut, Pass & Cut, Post Blocking combined with Back-Screens.
Clip 2: Straight out of the Pass & Cut Layer, this clip is identical to the Fill-the-Spot-Over-the-Read-Line-Rear-Cut Drill! This is a wide open, uncontested lay-up in NCAA Division 1. (It works on all levels.) The announcer has some good things to say while trying to describe this unknown offense. (Maybe I should send her the R&R DVDs!)
Clip 3: The announcers are so impressed with the previous clip that they decide to analyze it and explain why it works. Although what she says is true, we know the real reason it works: Her defender stepped over the Read Line! It’s not a designed “play”; there’s no signal; and these girls have not yet played with other a full season (the cutter is a freshman) – so they don’t know each other that well.
Clip 4: They initiate the action with a 4out High Post standard Ball-Screen; Pass & Cut; and another example of “Fill-the-Open-Spot-but-the-Defender’s-Over-the-Read-Line, therefore I rear cut.” (By the way, if the first passer doesn’t cut, then this beautiful rear cut would never happen. That’s why you always basket-cut after making a pass.) The receiver wraps a pass around the help defender to her post player. How did she know she’d be there? Read & React baby! (My Dick Vitale imitation)
Clip 5: Their transition fails to produce a scoring opportunity, but instead of “setting it up” as traditional teams do, they fill their spots and continue to attack before the defense is completely set. (By the way, if you’re playing with a shot clock, why would you run anything other than the Read & React? R&R allows you to flow in a continuous series of coordinated actions. This puts tremendous and constant pressure on the defense to protect the rim.) I think the point guard forgot to cut immediately after passing; her hesitation makes it appear she was setting up her defender; maybe she was because the front cut was wide open. Help defense altered the shot, but the weak-side post is there to clean it up.