Douglas Holden 2016 Mohonasen Girls Basketball
I love sharing success stories about the impact of The Read & React Offense! Here’s the first of two parts from Coach Douglas Holden – Mohonasen Girls Basketball. Thanks for sharing, Coach!! – Rick
QUESTION #1: How and where did you first hear about the Read & React?
“Basically as the Assistant Head coach for the past 2 seasons – I began an on-line and clinic search of an offensive philosophy. After listening to one of the Hardwood Hustle podcast – I heard about the R&R during one of the podcast halftimes. I went to the site – began reading and researching – and basically fell in love it. I just imagined as a player – how much fun it would be if that were the offense that I played in. So – I continued to research it – learn it – and prepare for that moment when I (hopefully) became the Head Coach. So – here I am!!”
QUESTION #2: What do you love best about the Read & React?
“When I was first hired as the Varsity Head coach – I felt that one of the biggest struggles I faced was providing consistent offensive guidance and structure to my entire program (youth program 3rd – 8th grade). What I feel was occurring was simply every year was a “new year” for the players – thus negating there individual growth as players. Instead of a continuation of the previous year – which the R&R offers. Not sure if I am wording this correctly – but – basically – the better we get at teaching the basic rules of the R&R – the more time we will have to develop players instead of plays. Simply put – the R&R provides freedom with rules.”