Even Bill Self believes that the Read & React Offense is great as a developmental basketball offense. But, can it work at the highest levels? The University of Iowa women think so – that’s why they’ve run it for the past 3 years with some great success. Hear what longtime Iowa assistant coach, Jenny Fitzgerald has to say about it here.
You can watch some of that success in the video below. And, if you want to see more game footage from the Read & React at all levels, visit our Read & React Offense video page.
Clip 1: 4out: a little mix of Pass & Cut with Dribble Penetration & Pitch.
Clip 2: 4out – another simple Front Cut from Layer 3: the post winds up in the Clean-Up position.
Clip 3: Read & React hunting the zone until a gap appears.
Clip 4: 4out: Hunting the zone with Pass & Cut; 9 passes; the ball switches sides of the floor three times. The Read & React moves players, moves the ball, and uses spacing until a chink in the armor of the defense is found.
Clip 5: 4out: Circle Movement Safety Valve; Post feed X-Cut creates a hard close-out that can be driven.
Clip 6: 3out – double high post – Baseline Drive Layer: Safety Valve from Circle Movement.